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Recent content by Data_recor

  1. Data_recor

    Ransomware - data decryption from cryptolocker.

    Data_recovery - is the only company specializing in data recovery after a computer is hit by a cryptolocker virus Since 2016, we have successfully fought the effects of viruses such as: - Makop - Dharma - Phobos - LockBit - Avaddon - Darkside...
  2. Data_recor

    Processing SEED Phrases and Private Keys

    We present to your attention CryptoCombiner service The service provides a service for processing SEED phrases and private keys of cryptocurrencies. Supported blockchains for verification of SEED phrases and keys: Bitcoin Litecoin Bitcoin Cash Ethereum + All tokens + Farms +...
  3. Data_recor

    Ransomware - data decryption from cryptolocker

    Dynamic analysis and static analysis are the two ways to approach the process of analyzing a piece of software. With static analysis, the sample is examined without detonating it, whereas with dynamic analysis, the sample is actually executed. Detection models are formed by analyzing samples in...
  4. Data_recor

    Ransomware - data decryption from cryptolocker

    Hello everyone, my team and I are ready to provide you with our services Data_recovery - is the only company specializing in data recovery after a computer is hit by a cryptolocker virus Since 2016, we have successfully fought the effects of viruses such as: - Makop...